The description of the older version of Resident Evil RPG follows. It was released and published between 2006 and 2008, produced by Evilbiel and Dungeon Master!

Title: Resident Evil RPG

Release Date:
Version 1.0 05/12/2006
Version 2.0 17/07/2007
Version 2.1 15/04/2008
Version 2.1 (English) 15/04/2008
Developed with: RPG Maker XP
Producer: Evilbiel
Co-Producer: Dungeon Master

Resident Evil RPG was a FanGame project of Resident Evil. The project began with Evilbiel, and was developed alongside Dungeon Master. Many people colaborated... To name but a few, Ramirez Ballotta and BadFormation. Based on the original Resident Evil 1 released for PS1/Sega Saturn/PC, Resident Evil RPG Rebirth  uses several elements of the Resident Evil released for Game Cube! It tells the story of a team of officers, the S.T.A.R.S., that investigate rumors that people have been murdered in a mansion. They end up finding zombies, monsters and a complex plot involving a pharmaceutical company and a deadly virus!

The project was conceived from the idea of playing Resident Evil under a new perspective (2D). The intention was to surpass Resident Evil Gaiden (Game Boy Color). It took around 5 months to produce the game. It was released on December 5, 2006. The full version was released through the old website Biohazard.com.br. It was, later, released and published in other websites such as REVIL(residentevil.com.br) and FYFRE(fyfre.com).

Seven months later, in 2007, the version 2.0 was released. The bugs of the previous version were corrected and some improvements were added! The game was also released in 20 other websites and forums. The number of fans grew exponentially, turning the game into a success of the “Comunidade Online de Fãs de Resident Evil” (Online Community of Resident Evil Fans). It was mentioned in the CT-STARS radio program (part of the old CharlieTeam website) and got a review in the online magazine MakerWorld. This inspired lots of people to create their own Resident Evil FanGames, which resulted in the creation of the FanHazard team (Team of production of Resident Evil FanGames, started in 2007 and finished in 2010). In 2008, the version 2.1 was released. More bugs were fixed this time. Along with this version, there was another one completely in English, translated by Revultraknight and revised by Dungeon Master. By using the universal language (English), the game could be released and published in foreign websites and forums. People all around the world eventually learned about the FanGame.


Download V 2.2 PT BR: OPTION 1 - OPTION 2
Download V  2.1 ENGLISH: OPTION 1 - OPTION 2


Produção Principal
Diretor Geral do Projeto: Evilbiel
Eventos: Evilbiel
Inimigos: Evilbiel & Dungeon Masters
Cenários: Evilbiel
Batalhas: Evilbiel
Itens: Evilbiel
Tradução das Cenas: Dungeon Masters
Tradução Conversa Barry e Wesker (Cenário Wesker): FYFRE Team
Outras Traduções: Biohazard 007
Adaptação: Evilbiel
Roteiros: Evilbiel
Gráficos Gerais
Gráficos de Batalha: Evilbiel
Fundos de Batalha: Evilbiel
Animações de Batalha: Evilbiel
Cenários: Evilbiel
TileSet: Evilbiel
Animações Gerais: Evilbiel
Graficos dos Itens: Evilbiel
Grafico dos Icones:Evilbiel
Gráfico do Sistema:Evilbiel
Gráfico do GameOver:Evilbiel
Gráficos do Panorama:Evilbiel
Graficos do Title:Evilbiel
Imagens de Habilitação de extras:Lucas Ultimate
Menu dos Mapas: Wanderson Pereira da Silva
Menu dos Files: Wanderson Pereira da Silva
Outros Grafico:Evilbiel
Gráficos dos inimigos
Zumbi: Evilbiel
Cerberu: Evilbiel
Corvo: Retirado direto do RGGS
T-Plant: Evilbiel & Darkhealm
Yawn(Cobra Gigante): Dungeon Masters
Web-Spineer(Aranha Gigante): Dungeon Masters
Cobras: Dungeon Masters & Evilbiel
Netuno(Tubarão): Dungeon Masters
Abelha: Retirado direto do RGGS
Plant42: Evilbiel
Hunter: Dungeon Masters & Evilbiel
Black Tigger Spider: Dungeon Master
Zumbi Cientista: Evilbiel
Zumbi "Sem Pele": Evilbiel
Chimera: Dungeon Masters
Tyrant: Dungeon Masters
Golden Tyrant: Dungeon Masters & Evilbiel
Tentáculo: Evilbiel
Gráficos dos Personagens
Jill Valentine: Ramirez
Chris: Bad Formation
Barry: Evilbiel & Bad Formation
Barry(Caído): Evilbiel
Barry(Empunhando a arma): Evilbiel
Rebecca: Bad Formation
Wesker: Bad Formation
Wesker(caído): Evilbiel
Kenneth: Bad Formation
Richard: Evilbiel
Richard:(Modo BravoTeam): Dungeon Masters
Richard(Caído): Evilbiel
Enrico: Evilbiel
Enrico(Caído): Evilbiel
Enrico(Empunhando Arma): Evilbiel
Kenneth(Caído): Evilbiel
Forest: Bad Formation
Forest(Caído): Evilbiel
John: Ramirez
Joseph: Evilbiel
Joseph(Caído): Evilbiel
Brad: Evilbiel
Evilbiel: Evibiel
Dungeon Masters: Dungeon Masters
Gráfico dos Personagens Correndo: Ramirez
Música dos Créditos Modo Wesker: Sexo, Pássaros e Rock N' Roll - Tequila Baby
Música dos Créditos Modo Bravo Team: Nova Era - Angra
Todos os outros sons e músicas foram retirados diretamente do game Resident Evil.
André Luis Vargas Cunha
Apoio de Divulgação
Biohazard: www.biohazard.com.br
MakerWorld: www.bincworld.com/mw
Agradecimentos Especiais
André Luis Vargas Cunha
The Hunter
Wanderson Pereira
Biohazard 007
Gabriele Pires

English VersionTraduções: Revultraknight
Revisão: Dungeon Master

Produção: Evilbiel - Gabriel Luis Vargas Cunha
Co-Produção: Dungeon Masters - Jonas Almeida Guedes